keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, September 3, 2022

How I Ended Up Here

Prior to enrolling in CSN, I had no direction where to take myself so I made the decision to aspire to be a nurse like my mother. (Being a nurse/Navy corpsman was my obligation in the military as well but I injured myself during training and got discharged, so I thought it was only right to keep the same goal in the civilian world). After failing Biology and almost other pre-requisite courses, I came to the conclusion that nursing is not the path I am destined to take. As of the Summer 2022 semester, I am now a Business major and I plan on advancing to International Business for my Bachelor's degree. 

I honestly have butterflies in my stomach thinking about my workload this semester, but in the best way. For once in my entire education, I am really willing to dive into IS101, HHP123, MATH124, THTR105, and ACC201. No offense to my past instructors and professors, but English, history, and biology are subjects I cannot get into at all. Especially biology. During lectures, I always zoned out because I don't want to learn about cells.


  1. I love how you redirected your path from the medical field into business. I am a believer in following the path of least resistance, and you recognizing that nursing might not be for you and then pivoting to business is great.
    And truth be told, I don't like English and history either. I think only English and history majors like those subjects.

  2. Thank you for serving in our military Yuan :-)

    It's better to discover that a career is not for you in college than in the workplace. Very glad to hear you are willing to dive into your classes this semester.

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 ^_^

  3. It's better to change your degree if you don't see yourself using it. Keep giving it your all, it will be worth it in the end.

  4. Biology was my favorite! I do realize how some may think it is the worst. It was definitely a very challenging class and try taking it at 9PM. I am also a business major. You will do great!

  5. Glad you chose a new path when the old one was not working. Shows your motivation to succeed. You got this.

  6. I don't know what to say to comfort you, but I hope you will go further and further on your new path. I wish you early graduation, an early success! All the way forward.

  7. It's good to hear you have found your path. Keep on trucking the end results is worth it. Thank you for your services.

  8. I am sorry that you were injured and discharged, I hope you recovered well and in a timely manor. Thank you for your service. I am glad that you found your path and are on the road to success. I wish you the best for this semester.

  9. It's better to realized in time what you like and follow that path. I wish all the best in your major.

  10. I wish you the best in your life. I am so terribly sorry of your injury and being discharged, I thank you for your service. I hope you succeed in the future, and take college one step at a time.

  11. I remember my Geology class in Spring 2022 and I could not focus any time the teacher explained the materials. Once I was done with the course I did somehow have a new found respect for the earth.

  12. I have noticed a trend of nurses leaving that field to join in IT has anyone else noticed this for their classes?

  13. Honesty with ourselves will always save us a ton of time and money! I'm glad you've found something that's working for you. I'm sure you'll reach the goals you've set for yourself.

  14. The military was my fall back after high school as well. It also played a big part in what I did afterwards and today, but I too am choosing to go in a different direction from my military training. After almost 20 years in electronics I think it's time to try something new.

  15. I'm delighted you made the decision to pursue a different course and maintain a positive attitude. Not everything we believe to be right tends to be. I'm thrilled you've decided to look for something else that might be of best interest to you.

  16. We don't live life with set goals. Many people change their field more than once for one reason or another. Starting over is never a bad thing. Its good to see that you redirected your career goals to something you are comfortable with. Good Luck Yuan.

  17. Glad to see you chose a new path when the other path wasn't working out.

  18. This blog is excellent. I recently read a book that quoted "to desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve. Great job. just like in this class, I can see you doing great things out in the world. Thank you for this.

  19. Hello Yuan, I can totally relate Biology was extremely hard for me as well I took it 3 times and finally passed. I'm glad you found a major you enjoy.
