keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Morning Rush

When I zone out in my classes, I often think to myself: "how does everyone prepare for the day at such an early time?" 

For me, my school mornings usually start by waking up around 6:30 to 7:30 A.M. to my favorite morning-time song which I use for my alarm tone, "Morning Call" by Hyolyn. 

While it is a favorite song, I don't wake up all sunshine and rainbows because I hate being forced to wake up, but I figured it would do since it's calming as opposed to the default Apple alarm tones. I like to give myself a motivation boost by putting on "makeup", which is just tinted moisturizer with SPF to protect my skin from harmful sun rays and slow down the aging process as much as I can. I only take 1 class on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays but I still make the effort to put myself together on most of those class days because I feel it prepares me for inevitable real-life situations that require me to get ready for quick gatherings. I think keeping a steady morning routine is what keeps me active and I hate the idea of just waking up and dragging myself from home to my destination without being productive.


  1. It's good you have a morning routine :-)

    Interesting that your favorite song is in a foreign language -- I presume you don't speak or understand Korean.

    It would bug me not knowing the lyrics or meaning behind a song. Here's was a song that piqued my interested a few years ago used as a background track for a YouTube video:

    So glad some fan uploaded a custom-made video of the original with just the song portion of the video and added the lyrics. I do NOT own, endorse, or have any financial interest in the video. Just sharing it to make my point ^_^

  2. I played music for a lot of years, I too have my favorites and believe music makes you less irritated and stressful. Love the song. Can't wait to hear more.

  3. "how does everyone prepare for the day at such an early time?"
    Programmable Coffee Maker invest in one its $30
    If it makes you feel better my work-school schedule is
    Monday 0800-0920 ENG 102, 0930-1020 BUS 101, 1050-1100-1220 COM 101, 1400-1800 PHO 101
    Tue - Off
    Wed - 0800-0920 ENG 102, 0930-1020 BUS 101, 1050-1100-1220 COM 1011400-2200 Work
    Thu - 1400-2200 Work
    Fri - 1400-2200 Work
    Sat 0900-1150 IS 101, 1400-2200 Work
    Sun - 1400-2200 Work

  4. Its good to have a morning routine. Yes there are times when we over slept and trying to figure out what to do next cause our morning routine just got discombobulated. We start to feel lost and our whole day is crazy.

  5. Morning routines are very important when you want your day to go right. I get lost on days that I don't follow my morning routine, and by lost, I mean my day ends up being chaotic. I think we all get those days were we just want to turn back around and go home to start over. It is a beautiful song.

  6. Morning routines are very helpful but sometimes they are not for everyone. Make the most of your day and find the time of day that works for you.

  7. Love that you use SPF daily, I think it's so important especially here in the desert. I like to also use rosehip seed oil at night to help with anti-aging and sun damage. 😊

  8. It is an excellent choice to have a morning routine to start your day right it just helps you succeed for the day.

  9. That morning routine! I feel you on that. It is hard to get out of bed in itself. My old job didn't care if I showed up in sweat pants. I can't say the same for my current job.

  10. I really like this Korean song, and I hope you can share more songs in the future! As for makeup, I'm all for it. Because it is not only a reflection of themselves for beauty but also is a kind of respect for others.

  11. Get that SPF in! I am a skincare junkie, so the fact you're using sunscreen makes me happy. I also hate waking up too, I am such a heavy sleeper that I usually have 5 alarms in my phone to wake me up. Lovely song choice!

  12. I too also follow a strict schedule. It makes my day go easier since I tend to over think and fixate on things and try to solve all the little set backs when things go out of my control when I think I must fix it. Having a schedule reminds me to follow it to the best of my ability. I also love Hyoyn's music. My favorite song by her is I Choose to Love You.

  13. I'm an odd duck. If this was a RPG I think I spent my stat points strangely. I put a lot of points into being a morning person and a night owl but as a result I forgot the afternoon exists. Me at 5 AM, Vivaldi's spring ready to go. Me at late hours, Elton John's I'm still standing. As for anytime in the afternoon its just white noise.

  14. A good routine will definitely make a big difference!

  15. If I'm being completely honest, morning routes basically serve as a wake-up message. Knowing that you must accomplish this for a particular reason acts as a push to oneself. Because of the influence these little things have on how we start each day, it's fascinating to think about or even question them.

  16. I like this Korean song, My morning routines are important for me. Your attitude decides whether you have a productive day or not.

  17. A good morning routine helps to have a good day.

  18. I usually have my alarm set for an hour to sometimes 2 hours before I have to be somewhere because I hate getting up in the morning and I drag everywhere, and I have to stay focused on getting ready because if the television is on or someone is talking to me I get distracted very easily and then it takes me even longer to get ready. I am not usually "up and ready" per say for the day until I am where I need to be and have to get something done.

  19. Music is definitely a good way to start off the day. :)

  20. Very well versed, and I'm intuitively impressed with your consistent efforts to continuously better yourself in your classes and I'm sure in your personal life as well. Thank you for the honest and genuinley written blog.
