keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, September 17, 2022

One Day at a Time

Hi, everyone! If you don't mind sharing, what is something you do your best to keep at? Even if it's small as trying to show up to class on time, it matters just as much because of your effort! 

For me, it's fitness. I don't exercise every single day, but I have been diligently tackling personal wellness goals since this semester started, and a major goal includes being in shape. Recalling from my first post, I underwent immediate surgery in 2019 due to sustaining a hip fracture during military training that affects me to this day because I still walk with a limp. Even though I have done workouts to try and loosen the hip pain, I was simply too scared to continue the routine out of fear that I would sustain another injury, so I simply gave up. The nagging thought of having metal pins and screws to keep my hip together gave me the heebie-jeebies and contributed a big part to why I steered away from working out, but that ended up making the situation worse. 

During the Spring semester this year, I found myself being out of breath so easily when walking up just 1-2 flights of stairs—that's how bad being out of shape was. It hurt to walk on my bad hip because my body had never experienced this change. 2 weeks before the Fall semester started, I had an epiphany out of the blue and decided that enough was enough. After studying moderation in eating, protein intake, and different workout regimens through social media, I was able to build a solid foundation and go from there.

Fast forward to today, this week actually marks 1 month since I started being active again! Rome wasn't built in a day, so I don't expect to obtain drastic results overnight. However, I am very proud of the fact that I can now run for almost 2 miles nonstop.


  1. Thank you Yuan for sharing your difficult journey recovering from a hip fracture and your military service :-)

    Glad you had an epiphany and took action to build a solid foundation. Now you can run for almost 2 miles nonstop!

    Yes, Rome wasn't built in a day. Hoping further improvement in your recovery ^_^

  2. Consistency is key. Looks like you already have a routine that you like, stick with it and the results will follow.

  3. Me being a Virgo I always do my best. That doesn't mean I am going to get every answer correct. I mean it may take me 20 retakes to get to 100% but at least I got there. Doing things over and over does get easier. Like a mechanic first time he change an alternator took him 2 hours now after 2 yrs it only takes him 30 mins.

  4. I sympathize with what you're going through. But I admire your stamina even more. I think I have a lot to learn from you. Or my fatty liver will kill me sooner or later! Ha ha!

  5. Sometimes you have to push through the injuries. It may seem like you can't? rest assured your body and mind can handle more than you think. Way to go. Congratulations on being active again.

  6. I am so proud of you Yuan! One month is surely a milestone. I gained a lot of weight after high school. I started my weight loss journey about to two years ago. Here I am approximately 40 lbs down and maintaining now. I am routing for you.

  7. Yes, Roma wasn't built in a day. Be very persistent in what you are trying to achieve and don’t stop until you reach your goal.

  8. For me, routine works best, but there are days that even routine is not an option because, well, life happens. I applaud you on making changes and improving your situation. I used to workout everyday, but now, I have no time with work, school and sleep. Working out has always been my way of dealing with stress and anxiety. I really need and want to add working out back to my routine.

  9. Thank you for sharing your recovery for us. I am glad you are almost healed fully. I need to start exercising as well I get out of breath after climbing a single flight of stairs.

  10. Congratulations on being active again. Physical recovery takes a long time.

  11. I would say that I always strive to do my best to maintain morning routines. I always make an effort to have a pleasant morning routine to help me get through the day, particularly since I meet many new people every day and would like them to have a good day. I'm delighted you're interested in fitness; pushing yourself to succeed is always a positive thing.

  12. Exactly "Rome wasn't built in a day" wanting to recover will make you keep moving forward. You have gotten so far in your recovery journey.

  13. Congratulation on being active for one month. Be persistent and don't give up.

  14. I was having a similar issue with trying to stay motivated with going to the gym, but one thing that helped me was I have a friend that is big into fitness and body building, and one thing he is always saying is "If you can't stay motivated stay consistent". So on those days I feel the least motivated I go to gym anyways cause it seems a lot easier to be consistent than it is to stay motivated.

  15. 2 miles nonstop, wow that's a drastic rate of growth. Congrats, now I just have to ask what's your secret?

    1. At the beginning of my journey, I set my treadmill to the highest it could go on incline and set the speed to around 2.5-3. For 10 minutes, I would walk on incline. After 10 minutes are up, I set the incline back to 0 and jog on 4 speed for another 10 minutes. It definitely took awhile to get used to after so long!

  16. I recently have started catching up on all my homework so I do not fall behind. I tend to procrastinate insanely, but I decided to change that this year. I do not want to stress. Congratulations on your fitness journey! I also try my best to go the gym as many times as I can. Best of luck!

  17. Good luck in your fitness journey. Small steps will definitely add up to big improvements!

  18. Wow, this is proof of what determination and dedication can really do in a persons life. Great job, and thank you for sharing.

  19. What I do my best at is making time for my kids doing activities with them and showing them even though I'm busy with homework and work I am always there for them.
