keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, September 24, 2022


Finally, 25% of the 16-week semester is already completed! However, I don’t feel proud about the way I’m ending the 25% mark. 

This week (Sep. 19-24), I missed 4 out of 5 school days mainly due to a big lack of sleep. On Monday, I only got around 2 hours of sleep because it was a big day and I was very anxious. I sat at the DMV all morning for a standby drive test but it was worth the wait because I passed! After I got home around noon, I slept through the entire day like a baby. When I woke up late evening, I realized taking that nap was the worst decision in my life because I missed out on an entire day. I couldn’t go back to sleep and I didn’t wanna pull an all-nighter because that would put me at risk of falling asleep on the wheel. With regret, I decided to skip my Tuesday class and recharge. 

Although I was pretty energized to drive myself to school for the first time ever on Wednesday, the energy quickly died down. After missing Monday and Tuesday classes, I had to catch up with a lot of math and science, a.k.a. the world's most hated subjects (at least in my world). And accounting. Numbers on top of numbers. My Friday class was canceled so that gave me a lot more time to catch up, but I still have a lot to do. Of course, I did my best to stay on top of my work for this class no matter what! Yet, I couldn't bring myself to get up early and go to class in person today because there was just too much on my plate and I had to sort everything out. 

I know there will be much more stressful events in the future and I will have to learn to deal with obligations at a manageable pace when unexpected things happen, but I feel content moving forward with knowing I did something than absolutely nothing. 


  1. Sounds like a tough week you had. It can only go up from here!

    Congrats on passing your DMV driving exam :-)

    I see you published this blog post 3:11 am. Maybe you went to be afterward hence missing the Saturday morning class? Let me know when you are available for a WebEx meeting and I'll bring you up to speed ^_^

  2. Great job on the DMV. I missed a class this morning. I have not missed a class all year. It is ok we will be ready for the next day.

  3. Congrats on passing your DMV driving exam. I feel for you. I too am constantly on a lack of sleep. I tend to take micro naps to help recharge a tiny bit since I work nights from 18:30 - 06:00 then go straight to school. I make sure my alarm is so annoying that if I am napping in the Student Union Building, I get woken up by people sitting near me if I don't wake up myself. Other than that, I drink energy drinks or coffee.

  4. Congratulations on passing your DMV driving exam. Keep pushing forward, remember the sleepless nights are only temporary. You got this!

  5. Congratulation on passing. That's a huge responsibility in itself, things will get easier down the road keep moving forward you got this.

  6. Yay! Congrats on passing your driving exam! I'm sure you'll bounce back in no time. We've all been there where our routine is shot for the day/week. You got this!

  7. I'm glad you passed the DMV test! I can feel how busy you've been this week. I hope you come after me and everything will be fine! Believe in yourself!

  8. Congrats on passing the DMV drive test. Now hopefully you can drive yourself to class on time!

  9. Excitement for driving, congrats on getting your license.

  10. Congrats on passing the driving exam.

  11. That amazing feeling of being new licensed driver! Congratulations! Very happy for you. We're all in this together just keep pushing, it'll be worth it!

  12. Congratulations on passing your driving exam.

  13. Congrats on passing your exam! I hopefully plan to take mine before the end of this year. I still need to get used to driving more. Be safe on these roads!

  14. Congratulations, try not to stress to much I'm sure you can turn the semester around!

  15. I spend most of my days traveling between classes, and I feel like that is currently my biggest challenge. As I read my colleagues' blogs, I can see that this semester has been a great hardship for some of us.

  16. Congratulations on passing, that's a huge step! I remember when I first passed my driving test, I was nervous to go on the freeway. I would always avoid it and use the streets.

  17. Congratulations, it's hard to believe we are almost finished.
