keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, October 1, 2022

1.5.1 Online Searching

1.5.1 shares tips on how to navigate your browser to find and evaluate online information. Even as a child, I've always had the instinct of shortening my words when using the search bar. For example, "my copy and paste is broken, how do I fix it?" can easily be turned into "copy and paste broken" because there are most likely tons of websites that tag specific keywords in their publishings. Plus, it would be tedious typing in every single word. The most useful advice I've received from my English teacher in high school was to always look at the date of publishing for the most recent information. When going through search results, I always make sure to find recently updated and popular links depending on the circumstances to obtain the most accurate information. For instance, if I wanna learn how to hook my iPhone to my MacBook Air, I wouldn't want to watch a video made in 2015 because system updates can completely change the locations of different programs and such. 


  1. Online searching made information available to people with ease and change the way people function and live :-)

    What makes online searching possible is online search engines!

    On a later presentation, I will walk through how online search engines work ^_^

  2. This is useful information. Thank you for sharing this. Also for searching for news articles change the search filters to most recent if you are looking for the newest news.

  3. Search engines have many more options to filter an online search than before. I usually always try to narrow my searches by the topic I'm looking for and the year.

  4. Great points Yuan. Searching using just key words and specific dates can narrow down results significantly.

  5. Shorthand anything that takes less time I love. Great comment.

  6. I love the thesis of your article. As you said, the correct application of search engines can help us to study better.

  7. Great point on shortening the string of words to narrow a search, you can also use "-" to omit specific words or use quotes to narrow a search even further

  8. Search engines have many options. For scholarly articles, I like to use JSTOR or Google Scholar.

  9. Yes sir I tell people all the time I am YouTube certified and proud to be. I use YouTube for how to videos all the time. Except things in this class I haven't done it yet.

  10. Good point! I completely overlooked system updates, those dates really do mater.

  11. Great points Yuan! I make sure to find reliable and update links to obtain the most accurate information too.

  12. I agree these are helpful tips. These are things people tend to overlook.

  13. Good tips. I also make sure to find trustworthy websites and check the dates of publishing to make sure I get accurate information.

  14. I appreciate the help! Shortening your questions to just keywords in the search bar is what I do too. Wonderful time saver!

  15. The date advice is very useful, things change very quickly now a days.

  16. It's true that you wouldn't want to obtain information about something that was just being released or updated if it was outdated. Nonetheless, some outdated information is actually valuable for other things; however, it is not necessary for most technological items.

  17. I have always been good at picking specific words to kinda guide google's search as well. I think that may be why I am undefeated in GIF Wars.

  18. Great example. I do the same. I always look at the date published as well.

  19. I am constantly scrolling through search results look for the most recent one. I hate when I run into the issue of none of them being really update especially in doing searches involving electronics or time sensitive information because that information may not even be relevant to what I need it for because it's outdated and still having to make do can be very frustrating and annoying.
