keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, October 22, 2022

standing still can also be a beautiful thing

Now that my presentation is done and out of the way, I'm able to reflect on my performance. It's actually been a long time since I had to do a presentation of any kind and I was looking forward to see if I've improved with public speaking because I used to be so awkward. 

I wasn't nervous but as soon as I walked to the front of the class, I became so self-conscious over everything. On the way to school, I made sure to sing my heart out in the car because I tend to have stubborn vocal cords and I wanted to sound as clear as possible. I even practiced my speech in the parking lot before heading to the classroom and my voice was still so hoarse. I wasn't confident with how I sounded so I definitely noticed that my voice was shaky during my presentation. However, that wasn't even the worst part. My brain was yelling at me to move my hands around and make eye contact, and my body responded by doing the stiffest hand movements ever. No one probably noticed but I took mental note of everything.

I really appreciate Tiffany telling me good job as I walked back to my seat because it helped me recover quickly from my nervousness. In the end, this experience was fun and it guided me in stepping up my communication skills because I want a career someday where I can be in the public eye. It sucks I wasn't able to make it to class to be able to watch the presentations of Rui, Saul, Kevin, Mayra, and Tiffany because I would have been intrigued to learn about their topics. I'll do my best to show up to class to see the remaining presentations! :) 

I won't beat myself up over the small imperfections and I think it's healthy to laugh at yourself time to time! At least I share similar experiences with my favorite R&B artist, Summer Walker, of standing/being awkward.


  1. You presented fine Yuan ^_^

    Being nervous is natural and you compensated with professionalism and succinct information!

    Very healthy attitude of not worrying over small imperfections -- I doubt the audience noticed -- and yes, it is healthy to laugh at oneself from time to time ^_^

  2. You did better on your public speaking than some students in my communications 101 course who outright left the course when the 3 minute speech came due.

  3. You did wonderfully Yuan! You spoke clearly and slowly so we could all hear what you wanted to say. Whenever I have to speak in front of people, I always tell myself, "fake it til you make it girl." And to me that means I need to pretend to be confident even though I'm not, so no one will notice that I'm actually dying of anxiety and nervousness on the inside.

  4. I thought your speech was original! Let me know something different! Tiffany is indeed a teacher and a friend! Her words had a healing effect! It'll get you in the mood!

  5. Nerves can get you down don't let them, I too wish to improve on my communication skills.

  6. You did fine. Most people get nervous when presenting.

  7. You are too funny with that ending. You did a great job, Yuan. You spoke about something you are passionate about and it showed.

  8. Yuan, you did great. We are our worst critic. I also get beyond nervous when I have to present but I do what Tiffany does “fake it till you make it”. I enjoyed the topic you chose.

  9. My time to do my presentation is almost here. I am still nervous thinking about speaking in front of the class. I know that I need to overcome any anxiety or nervousness that comes with presenting or public speaking, I just need to get through this presentation effortlessly and everything will be okay. Glad you were able to get over the presentation jitters before you did your presentation.

  10. Believe me when I tell you that even the most seasoned speakers get nervous. It is a natural response. When we face an uncommon situation, our minds immediately go into flight or fight mode and it's when you have to train your mind to not flight or fight but to face the situation in a calm manner and just go with the flow.

  11. I always try to stand out. To my hair cut to my nick name to my tattoos. I stand out for jobs. In a room of 50 men in black suit who would you remember. Standing out is a great thing. But its my way of trying to clear my nerves. By the way your presentation was great.

  12. Everyone including the best speakers in the country will tell you they get nervous before they go on. It makes your blood flow. You become more powerful as you go on. You were great.

  13. LOL, the photo of Summer Walker is so funny. I bet you did well! I am very proud of you.

  14. The fact that you presented even when you were anxious proves that you are willing to take on new challenges, and that is all that matters.

  15. Your presentation was amazing! I did not know anything about Kim Kardashian before your presentation. I did not know about the companies she started and still own.

  16. If it helps, try and interpret your feelings of "nervousness" as excitement!
