keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Sunday, November 13, 2022

i hate it here

I've had my fair share of being sick due to weather changes, but this is probably the worst cold season I've endured in my whole 21 years of living on this planet. A few years back, I spent 6 months in Chicago and I easily adapted to the humid and freezing temperatures––it even snowed and I was perfectly healthy. Fast forward to 2022, and I'm now getting slapped left and right by Mother Nature. The possibility of it being COVID-19 has been ruled out since I've never tested positive (knock on wood), but it's still evident that my system is less resistant in fighting off illnesses. I just recovered from a cold that lasted 2 weeks, and this week another one hit me. I will never ever ever ever ever catch a break. For now, I'll take this as a blessing in disguise because being sick makes me lose water weight. In the long run, I now know to be up-to-date on my immunization shots. Stay healthy, everyone! Cheers to more catching up on schoolwork. At least all my grades are still excellent! :)


  1. Hope you weather this second cold :-)

    Glad you are looking at the brighter side of things (losing water weight and know how to be up-to-date on your immunization shots) and have a positive attitude ^_^

    Cheers to catching up and grades are still excellent!

  2. I didn't realize how cold this winter was until I read your article. It was colder than usual.

  3. Oh no, poor thing! Sorry to hear that you're under the weather and not feeling well. It's that time of year again where we must be extra vigilant about staying healthy. I give my kids extra vitamin C and elderberry during the colder months as kids love to pass around germs and viruses to each other at school. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I have noticed that the weather is changing drastically. Hope you feel better. I really enjoy your blog posts, they definitely stand out.

  5. Its definitely colder than it was last year. I am in the process of doubling up on my layers for work. It is incredible that I am still cold wearing thermal pants + work pants +two long sleeve thermal undershirts + gloves and a level III soft panel bullet proof vest with a knit beanie. Last year I only needed one set of thermals to make it through the shift.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you are sick again. I hope you get better again soon. There's nothing like some hot chicken soup full of veggies to help strengthen your immune system. I hope you'll be well enough to attend class on Saturday. Take care of yourself Yuan.

  7. Get well soon Buddy, Yuan in my native language we say salud dinero y amor, which means; I wish you health, wealth, and love.

  8. Feel better, Yuan. Great job on keeping your grades up.

  9. It sucks to get sick, I understand. The environment here in Las Vegas is borrowed, as all the plants and gardening things are from out of state. Nothing is naturally grown in Las Vegas, when it comes to the plantation. If anyone has allergies, it may be due to all the trees and plants that were imported from different places.

  10. Get well my friend we all go through it as I did a couple of weeks ago.

  11. Get well soon, I treat this as beach weather. I love the cold it seems to bring out the best in me.

  12. I've observed how rapidly the weather has changed. When I used to leave for work in the morning, the weather would be pleasant, but today the cooler air makes me shaky. I hope you feel better.
