keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

my idol in music

I find it fascinating how legends today such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, Selena, and more were so embraced by the population in their time. Looking up to celebrities is looked down upon because many times, who they are in public vs. who they really are behind the scenes doesn't match up, like a facade. However, I believe we all have that one person whose music, philosophies, or work leaves a lasting impact on us. For me, there are so many people in mind but when I truly think about it deep down, Saweetie changed my life. 

Saweetie is a female rapper who debuted in 2017 after one of her short raps, "ICY GRL," went viral on the Internet with 130,000,000 views on YouTube today. Since then, she released more viral songs such as "My Type", "Tap In", and "Best Friend" with Doja Cat. She also collaborated with McDonald's by releasing "The Saweetie Meal" because she's notoriously known for having the most outrageous food combinations on social media. Her music is apparently not for everyone, however. She is widely criticized for her writing skills which many claim that her style has changed since going mainstream. 

Music is big to me and over so many artists whom I've connected to over the years, listening to Saweetie initiated the much-needed change of course in my life at the beginning of my senior year of high school. Back then, I had the lowest-of-low self-esteem, and I honestly did not have any friends when moving to Vegas back in 2017. Every day in school was a never-ending episode of embarrassment because I was alone, but I'm now coming to accept the fact that it's okay to be a loner. I did not fit in with any of these people at all, so I don't regret being by myself. 

When I first encountered "ICY GRL," I was amazed at how Saweetie uniquely and confidently carried herself. After listening to more of her music, I noticed that she always picks herself up and treats herself like royalty, and I thought to myself: "that's definitely what I want to be like." I learned that she has a bachelor's degree in Communications with a concentration in Business, which heavily inspired me to take the route of switching my major from Nursing to Business. A big plus is that she has Filipino in her heritage like me, and she proudly mentions it in interviews and songs. 

On Friday, November 18, she released new music after being gone for 9 months due to mental recovery. The timing could not be more perfect because I was also recovering from a mental health break when she dropped her music! On Twitter, I tweeted my love and appreciation for her work, and she unexpectedly replied back and liked my tweet. The moment felt so surreal, and it uplifted me so much which motivated me to post about her as my topic. The Universe always finds ways to get you back in the game. Thank you, Saweetie, for encouraging others and myself to believe in ourselves!!! <3 


  1. Glad to hear that Saweetie had and has such an uplifting impact on you ^_^

    So cool that shares the Filipino heritage with you!

    Most awesome is that she replied to your tweet :-)

  2. I wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the information. I didn't grow up in America, so a lot of what you're talking about is new to me!

  3. That's awesome. Its ok to be a loner cause there is only one leader and you always want to be a leader.

  4. I'm not familiar with her music, but it is amazing that she responded to your tweet. That must have been an amazing feeling for you.

  5. I can't imagine how excited you were when Saweetie retweeted your post. That would make me ecstatic if my idol retweeted my post. This post reminds me of the show on Netflix, "It's okay not be okay". If you have watched this series, you may understand where I am coming from.

    1. Love that show! I treasure it as one of my favorites of all time because it's actually the first K-Drama I've ever watched.

  6. That's so cool that she retweeted your post! And I agree, "the Universe always finds a way to get you back in the game." 💜

  7. It's always cool to get recognized by someone famous. Way to go.

  8. I had to go to YouTube to listen to her music because I didn’t know who she was. Her music is different but very upbeat. It's nice to be acknowledged by a famous person.

  9. How cool of her to acknowledge you! I will be looking her music up.

  10. For Selena I recently found out that the song El chico del apartamento 512 exits and it brought me closer to my sister. I have never heard of this artist, Yuan; I never knew that timid version of you and if the song ICY girl by Saweetie changed you so, I will be taking the time to give it a listen.

  11. Music has such a huge influence on everyone. It's great to see you have an artist that gives you the support with her music.

  12. Wow, a famous person responded to your message? I'm very envious. Congrats. I believe that rather than their talents, certain celebrities' contributions to society are the main reason they continue to have an impact.
