keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, November 26, 2022

my 13th reason

As the semester is coming to an end, assignments are flying left and right even faster than ever before final exam week, for which I luckily only have 2 final exams to take. 

In my math class, I have an exam on November 29. In preparation, my professor released 5 assignments that are due on November 28. In total, there are 143 problems and I've only gone through 45. 

In my accounting class, I have an exam on November 30 with a 3-day timeframe and a 3-hour time limit. Along with an assignment due on November 28, I have 2 other late assignments to catch up on.

In my introduction to acting class, I have to continuously practice memorizing a 1-minute long monologue. I don't wanna mess up. 

In IS-101, I currently have to catch up on A6, A7, Chapter 5.11 Excel Live Projects, and the Practice Exams to be able to take my MO-200. 

At this moment, I very much have the urge to smash my head on my keyboard as I'm typing this because I have lots to do. Most of my personal time will have to be sacrificed, but the hustle is worth it in the end. I remember in a magazine interview, Marilyn Monroe said she always slept in on Sundays. This week, I can't. Maybe next week. 


  1. Quite a full-plate you have to complete in the near future!

    Sacrificing personal time is necessary and the hustle will be worth it in the end :-)

    You will succeed in catching up and finish your semester strong, Yuan ^_^

  2. That's a lot of work. You can do it my friend keep pushing.

  3. I know you can do it. Manage your time well, and you still have a chance to sleep in on Sunday! You're the best!

  4. Pushing through to the home stretch. Seems like the closer we get to the end of the semester, the more work we have. I'm confident you will catch up and do great. Stay strong!

  5. Oh man! You definitely have a log going on education wise. It will definitely be worth it in the end. :-)

  6. We are almost done with this semester. I’m looking forward to the winter break. The sacrifices you do now will be worth it in the end

  7. With the abundance of time, it seems that a lot of students are time crunching a lot tasks to do. I don't have much abundant time to myself due to my new income venture. There is not much sacrifice because the outcome or results is the main goal always. I cheer you on, I hope you catch up with all the school work.

  8. You're almost there, Yuan! The semester is almost over! Hang in there! You can sleep in on Sunday December 18th. ;)

  9. Keep at it ^_ ^ I hope you ace your exams!

  10. I was enjoying Halloween and now its almost December. This semester will be over before you know it.
