keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Saturday, December 10, 2022

so much to look forward to

2 weeks ago, I published a blog post about having so much to do. Well, I got my grades back and for my math exam, I got an 81%! I expected a lower grade because I barely remembered the material. For my accounting exam, I received a 96% and I was so surprised with the result. Thank God we were allowed to use outside resources.

On Thursday evening, I finally took my MO-200 certification exam and passed it! Yes, one week before school ends. Surprisingly, I enjoyed Excel more than Word.

As of now, I'm on 6.5 for PowerPoint and I'm doing my best to breeze through and catch up since I have a lot of math assignments to complete before my final exam on Wednesday. 

I feel on top of the world right now knowing I'm most likely going to end the semester with only one C. Good luck wrapping up this week, everyone!


  1. Good job on doing better than expected in your math and accounting exams :-)

    Not surprising to hear you enjoyed Excel more than Word. Congrats on passing MO-200 Excel!

    Leverage this on-top-of-the-world feeling and finish IS101-3012, Fall 2022 strong ^_^

  2. *Party poppers* Congratulations. Here is hoping that one C is actually a B, you got this!

  3. Yay Yuan! 81% is great for not remembering the material! You got this Yuan! I'm sure you'll get everything done; looks like you work well under pressure.

  4. Congratulations Yuan! There are only a few days left this semester. I hope you achieve all your goals.

  5. I'm glad you only have one C. That proves that your study plan for this semester has been accomplished well! I am truely happy for you.

  6. Congratulations on passing the exam.

  7. I was so glad reading that you are doing better, Yuan. I am happy for you. Finishing up this class will be easier!

  8. Yuan, you are an amazingly strong person and I admire you for that. You've pushed through many obstacles during the semester and are accomplishing your goals by finishing strong. Great job on all you have accomplished!

  9. Every day is a day to look forward to. Congrats on getting a lot of school work done and completing your exams. Wish you the best semester.

  10. Great job you got this PowerPoint is a breeze you will fly through it.
