keep to self:

"standing still can also be a beautiful thing." -SOLE (쏠)

Monday, December 19, 2022

yellow brick road

I hope everyone was able to wrap up this semester well. I am barely vocal in my classes because I'm more of an observer. However, it was truly nice being around everyone and getting to know your personalities through Saturday classes, as well as each and every blog post I've had the honor to read through every week. I wish everyone the absolute best on their individual journeys.

As for me, I'm on my way to transferring to UNLV by Fall 2023 to venture into obtaining a bachelor's degree in International Business. I have plans to spend a semester studying abroad in either South Korea, Japan, or even Spain since my cousin lives there—working and expanding my knowledge with different cultures is something I am gravitational towards. I don't have a specific path yet and I don't expect to miraculously find some kind of muse while studying abroad, but taking the first step out of my home country by myself is what I feel is best to get out there and experience different culture for real. In addition, I have some interest in acting and having an active social media presence, so I'm just riding the wave for now. Nothing is set in stone so I want to be able to do as much as I can. Maybe someday I can be friends with Kim Kardashian instead of doing presentations on her!

Again, I wish everyone the best on their individual journeys. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

6.8.3 Media Formatting Facts

Years ago, during my junior year in high school, I had to do a presentation in my Spanish class speaking fully Spanish. We had complete control over the topic, and I chose R&B artist, Sabrina Claudio, because she has Cuban roots. A struggle I had with my presentation was that I wanted to showcase her video because I didn't know how to input a YouTube video, so come presentation day, I sadly had to skip over that slide. 

Today, I now know how to properly insert pictures, videos, and even audios! Learning this has helped me greatly because I like to include visual and audible details for appropriate topics. On PowerPoint, I have yet to use the "Screen Recording" feature, but I feel confident about learning in the future.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

5.3.1 Deleting and Clearing Cells

After struggling with some checkpoints during skills labs, I quickly learned that there was a clear difference between deleting and clearing cells because it wouldn't even let me pass. I got so frustrated and just gave up for a hint, and after being lost on the hint still, I just wanted the guy in the video to show me before I got more aggravated. Now I know that deleting truly clears the cell's contents and formatting, while clearing keeps the cell blank with the formatting intact.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

so much to look forward to

2 weeks ago, I published a blog post about having so much to do. Well, I got my grades back and for my math exam, I got an 81%! I expected a lower grade because I barely remembered the material. For my accounting exam, I received a 96% and I was so surprised with the result. Thank God we were allowed to use outside resources.

On Thursday evening, I finally took my MO-200 certification exam and passed it! Yes, one week before school ends. Surprisingly, I enjoyed Excel more than Word.

As of now, I'm on 6.5 for PowerPoint and I'm doing my best to breeze through and catch up since I have a lot of math assignments to complete before my final exam on Wednesday. 

I feel on top of the world right now knowing I'm most likely going to end the semester with only one C. Good luck wrapping up this week, everyone!

Saturday, December 3, 2022


Kudos to those who can balance school, work, and their personal life. I honestly don't know what type of job I want and my physical disability adds a huge restriction. I'm also very scared of not being able to find a balance between school, work, and my personal life if I happen to find a job. For now, I made the personal choice to play it safe by focusing on my education solely. In the next year, I'm actually going to look into my interests and start from there. Right now, I have no clue. I do have a monthly income stream which is more than enough, thanks to my military education benefits, so in my household, I do pay bills for what I'm responsible for because I don't believe in freeloading. This also sets me up to manage my finances meticulously because I tend to have shopaholic tendencies.

...Every week. 

I lied. 

Every day.

I feel a bit insecure being unemployed at my age. I'm only 21 but some of my friends have made it big fast, and I'm talking about being a real estate agent in San Diego/Los Angeles with professional headshots for their portfolio and everything! Like, wow. I deleted all my personal social media to lay low and make my own moves without comparing my journey to anyone else's. 

It's okay because I'm still young and have complete control of navigating my life. I am eternally blessed for what I have now, so I won't add pressure when I still have a long way to go. Word to GloRilla, "ain't ****** up bout no credit score, I might be rich as **** tomorrow; every day the sun won't shine, but that's why I love tomorrow"!